
Walk-in climate chambers

FitoClima high-performance chambers are suitable for example in test applications that require both high light intensity and a broad light spectrum.

Climatic tests, simulation of weather effects, temperature fluctuations, aging and stress tests.

Ideal for environmental simulation, electronics, automation, aerospace, building materials testing, military equipment, general research and development studies for bigger sized test opjects.

All devices meet the international standards and requirements according to EN, IEC, DIN, ISO, NP and UNE.

We provide walkable climate chambers in different applications. Following as an example our standard-productline FitoTerm FitoClima for general applications in different sizes:

  • Test chamber volume: 8000 to 12,000 liters or customer-specific designs
  • Temperature range: -60 bis 150 °C
  • Humidity range: 10 bis 95 %RF
  • Including multi-color touch screen controller ClimaPlus


Our product range

Video - FitoClima HP High Performance Plant Growth Chamber, Aralab


Do you have any questions about our products?

We will be happy to advise you individually on your needs and requirements.