
Current Status of Refrigerants and Climate Chambers in Switzerland


Refrigerants play a crucial role in various applications, including climate chambers and cooling systems. To protect the ozone layer and mitigate climate change, regulations have been implemented to restrict the use of ozone-depleting refrigerants. In Switzerland, the authorities have established guidelines and transition periods to ensure compliance with these regulations. This report provides an overview of the current state of technology and the regulations surrounding refrigerants and climate chambers in Switzerland as of January 1, 2022.

Regulations and Prohibitions

According to the Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance (ChemRRV) Annex 2.10, the manufacturing, marketing, importation for private use, and exportation of equipment and systems using ozone-depleting refrigerants are prohibited. However, an exception exists for devices and systems that meet certain conditions. These conditions include the absence of a technologically viable alternative, the refrigerant having an ozone depletion potential (ODP) not exceeding 0.0005 (such as R-1233zd(E) and R-1224yd(Z)), and the implementation of emission reduction measures according to the state of the art.

Transition Periods

The transition periods specified in Annex 2.10, Section 7, Paragraph 4 of the ChemRRV define the timelines for manufacturing, importation, provision to third parties, and transfer to third parties after a technologically viable alternative becomes available, rendering the exception inapplicable.

  • Manufacturing and importation: A transition period of 6 months after the availability of a technologically viable alternative.
  • Provision and transfer to third parties: A transition period of 12 months after the availability of a technologically viable alternative.

Standards and Collaborative Efforts

The current state of technology, which forms the basis for the exception outlined in Annex 2.10, Section 2.2, Paragraph 6, was established in collaboration with various professional associations, companies, and research institutions. These include the Swiss Association of Refrigeration (ASF), Ticino Association of Refrigeration (ATF), Carrier Refrigeration, Swiss Heat Pump Association (FWS), Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Proklima, Swiss Association of Refrigeration Technology (SVK), and Swiss-Liechtenstein Building Technology Association (suissetec).

Standards for Ozone-Depleting Refrigerants

According to the definition of the current state of technology, there are no alternatives available for systems using ozone-depleting refrigerants with an ODP ≤ 0.0005. Consequently, all other systems must cease manufacturing, importation, and marketing within the specified transition periods.


Switzerland has implemented regulations to restrict the use of ozone-depleting refrigerants, aiming to protect the ozone layer and mitigate climate change. The current state of technology and the transition periods for compliance have been established in collaboration with industry stakeholders and professional associations. It is essential for stakeholders in the refrigeration and climate chamber industry to stay updated with the latest regulations and consult the relevant authorities for specific guidelines and requirements.

For more information please click here!

As a supplier of cooling and heating systems, Clitec is familiar with the subject area and will be happy to advise.


Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). (Referenz/Aktenzeichen: O452-2529)

Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). (Referenz/Aktenzeichen: S256-0007)